Wednesday, September 17, 2014

HK Music♥

  Hello all and welcome back to All Things Hong Kong! :) Lets learn more about Hong Kong!!!!!

  This is the view from my balcony today during the afternoon. Yes, pretty smoggy and cloudy. There were a few showers throughout the day but it was sunny. It's not everyday you see smoggy Hong Kong on a tourist site, but hey, stuff like this happens quite a lot in Hong Kong. Pollution:( It's blurry (sorry).. I used my webcam but it isn't the best. It isn't as dark in real life as it is in the photo. You can still see some light blue but clouds are taking over! (Yay or nay)

    Everyone loves music. Well, most of them anyways. And yes, Hong Kong does have singers that are quite famous locally. Not internationally, I don't think so. And I'm going to share with you some of my favorite HK artists and songs. I don't really listen to Canto pop. I usually listen to American/UK pop or country songs. (I love Ellie Goulding, Taylor Swift and Avril Lavigne, fyi) But I do like these artists: 

Fiona Sit (薛凱琪) 

  She's a Chinese singer and actress. One of my friends is crazy about her. She watched just about every single of her movies and listened to every single one of her songs. She also has almost her every album. Talk about hardcore fans. This is her. She's quite pretty. I do like some her songs, and I'll post a video to them beloww. 

  This is one of Fiona's songs which I quite like. It's called 天國的微笑, or Heaven's Smile in English. (天國 means heaven, 的 is something like 'of' or 'from', 微笑 is smile. So its actually translated to Smile from Heaven kind of. It's hard to explain, but theres always Google!! hehe) It's really good and you should really check it out: 

  Quite good, eh?:) I do like it. Another one of her songs I like is called 886. (both of those songs's music videos are quite old, but don't let it affect your time listening) 886 means bye bye la in Cantonese, like a internet slang. (something like ttyl or brb) 'la' is a Cantonese modal particle, used pretty often. Here's 886 (Bye bye la): 

  If you like her songs, then check out her other songs and maybe even her movies:) My friend would love you hehe;)

Sammi Cheng (鄭秀文)

  Another female singer I quite like. Sammi is also an actress. She's a Christian singer, and some of her songs are about religion. This song is called 上帝早已預備, translating to The Lord Has Already Prepared (上帝 means lord, 早 means early (so beforehand in this case), 已 means already, 預備 means prepare. So if you just use those meanings, the song title will be translated to Lord Beforehand Already Prepare, or The Lord has Already Prepared Beforehand.. you get what I mean) :

  My mom really likes her, and she is going to have a concert here soon. She asked me if I wanted to go, but I said no because I don't exactly listen to her songs everyday, so I'm not really a fan. But if you liked that song, check out the rest! There will probably be English translations to the lyrics online. 

Jacky Cheung (張學友) 

  Both my parents really like Jacky, especially my dad. He is one of the most famous Hong Kong singers, I think? He had sung a few English and Mandarin songs, but mainly Cantonese songs. Again, he's also an actor. Gosh Hong Kong singers are so talented!! (kidding) This song is called The First of May, and its sung in English (I used to love it when I was little): 

  This one is called 妳的名字 我的姓氏, or Your (female) First Name, My Surname (believe it, it sounds much better in Cantonese) It's acoustic but I think it's also pretty good. 

Janice M. Vidal (衛蘭)

  Janice is another singer born in Hong Kong, but she is actually a mix of Filipino and Chinese-Korean. She sings English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese but she knows Tagalog, French and Korean as well (I just found that out and I was like wow) This song is called 殘酷遊戲, translated to Cruel Game. It's a love song and I adore it. 

  I also like some Canto songs, but I don't really know the artist or listen to them. One of those songs are called 追, or Chase, in English. I really, really like it, and it's just amazing. It's sung by 張國榮, Leslie Cheung. He passed away in 2003, so this song is more than 10 years old. 

  So yeah, this is it. A compilation of my favorite Hong Kong songs and singers. Hope you've enjoyed these songs I've picked out for you to listen to:) So byee and have a lovely day^^ 


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